Morse Street Reconstruction

The City plans to reconstruct Morse Street, beginning in 2023. The existing roadway pavement and gravel subbase materials will be ground up and reused to create a new "base" for the road and the road will then be repaved.

The work will also include new concrete sidewalks and driveway aprons located within the City's right-of-way lines. The goal of the project is to take a "complete streets approach" to the road to provide better sidewalks along Morse Street and will also include granite curbing, grass planting strips, new shade trees, and tree pits for stormwater treatment and at select locations.

Traffic calming techniques, such as raised intersections, will also be considered to reduce vehicular speeds on the street and improve pedestrian safety.

December 2024:

Construction has concluded for the 2024 construction season; work is scheduled to continue in April 2025.

August 2024:

A.R. Belli, Inc. has been awarded the contract for Morse Steet Roadway Improvements. Their anticipated start of construction is the week of August 26th. Please find construction plans available below:

Morse Street Construction Plans (PDF)

April 2023:

The City has begun replacing substandard water services and hydrants on Morse Street and finalizing documents for public bidding.