

The Cemetery Division is responsible for the day-to-day operation of two active cemeteries and one non-active cemetery, which encompasses approximately 30 acres of land. Responsibilities include sale of lots, preparation of graves, oversight of burials, and setting of foundations and veterans’ markers. The staff handles approximately 120 internments per year.

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Arlington Street Cemetery (Old Burial Ground)Mount Auburn Street at Arlington and Grove Street
Common Street CemeteryMount Auburn Street and Common Street
Ridgelawn CemeteryHighland Avenue

Search a Burial Listing by Name

Cemetery Documents

Arlington Cemetery Old Burying Ground Plot Listing (PDF)

Arlington Cemetery Plan (PDF)

Arlington Street Cemetery Epitaphs (PDF)

Common Street Cemetery Map from 1900 (PDF)

Disinterment Form (PDF)

Interment Form (PDF)

Monument Form (PDF)

Ridgelawn Cemetery Charges (PDF)

Ridgelawn Cemetery Map (PDF)

Ridgelawn Cemetery Regulations (PDF)

Cemetery Photos: Historical photos of the City's three cemeteries.

Arlington Street Cemetery

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Common Street Cemetery

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Ridgelawn Cemetery

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