Snow and Winter Storm Information and Updates

Last update: Saturday, February 15, 2025, at 1:52pm:

The City of Watertown would like to advise you of expected snow starting later today, Saturday, February 15, 2025, which will turn into icy conditions heading into Sunday, February 16, 2025. The City is not declaring a Snow Emergency Parking Ban, but the Winter Overnight Parking Ban remains in effect and will be strictly enforced.

We strongly encourage residents to park in their driveways or municipal parking lots by the time the storm begins around 6pm, if possible.  For your safety, please minimize travel during the storm and use caution due to anticipated icy conditions.

We also ask that you pre-treat sidewalks with ice melt and check on your neighbors, especially those who may need assistance. To continue to stay up to date on current and future storms, look for additional messages on this page again this weekend and next week when more winter weather is expected. Stay safe and warm!

Learn about enforcement of the residential snow and ice removal ordinance.

The Winter Parking Ban is still in effect and will be strictly enforced. No vehicle may remain on any public way for more than one hour between the hours of 1AM and 6AM all days of the week. 


Announcements of snow emergencies shall be made by as many means available, including here on the City’s website, Facebook, Instagram, Everbridge Emergency Alerts, and Watertown Community Access Television (WCA-TV). Announcements that the snow emergency ban has been lifted will be made in the same manner.

Snow Emergency Parking

The City of Watertown has several public lots. If you are unable to park in a driveway during a parking ban, you may use any Municipal and School lot & you do not have to pay the meters to park (only applicable when parking ban is in effect). When a parking ban is in place, there is absolutely NO parking on city streets as violators may be subject to tow. The cars can then remain, free of charge, in the same space for the duration of the snow emergency. Please see the Public lots available for parking below: 

*This does not include the Department of Public Works parking lot

  • Municipal parking lot Behind CVS at 27 Main Street - Use metered spaces only.
  • Municipal parking lot Behind the Public Library - 123 Main Street
  • Municipal parking lot Behind CVS at 655 Mt. Auburn Street - Use metered spaces only. Do not park in spaces designated for CVS, or other private businesses.
  • The police station at 552 Main Street (visitor’s parking lot only)
  • Any public-school parking lot
  • Victory Field parking lot
  • O’Connell Park, (lot at the corner of Boylston Street and Mt Auburn Street) 
  • Filippello Park parking lot at 191 Grove Street (No parking in the spaces along the driveway)
  • Parker Annex Building - Former Parker Elementary School at 124 Watertown Street
  • Municipal Parking Lot at 50 Howard St.

Winter Storm Road Treatment and Snow Removal

Every storm is different, but usually roads are treated at the start of a storm. Generally, after 2 to 3-inches of snow has accumulated, plowing will begin. After the plowing process is completed, another round of road treatment may be necessary as weather conditions vary throughout the storm. Please be patient as we work to clean streets, bus stops, ramps, and other public areas.

During storms, there is a plowing priority to ensure the safest road conditions. Our routes first focus on plowing the main streets in the City, then hills, flat roads and finally private ways. This priority is also applied when sanding the roads as well.

Read more on the Snow and Ice FAQs page.


Snowplows try to minimize the amount of snow that gets plowed across driveway entrances. Unfortunately, snow will be pushed into driveway entrances by the plow trucks during a snow and ice event as the City performs curb-to-curb plowing. This is an unavoidable inconvenience as plow blades cannot be lifted as they pass by a driveway. During an extended snow event it could be necessary for a plow to make multiple visits to your street. If you clear your driveway before plowing is done curb-to-curb, expect to have snow that comes off the plow at the end of the driveway. You may wish to clear your driveway several times during the storm or wait until the storm and plowing activities have ended.

When removing snow from your driveway at roads edge it is best to do so left to the right facing the street allowing the plow to move it past your driveway, so it does not get pushed back from where you removed it. Please keep in mind that if you live on a one-way street shovel to the side with traffic flow.

Fire Hydrants

Businesses and homeowners alike are encouraged to "Adopt-A-Hydrant" near your business or home. There are a thousand of fire hydrants in the city, and after each storm we check each one to ensure they are clear of ice and snow and ready for use if need be. With your help we can accomplish this task much more quickly and efficiently.

Learn more about shoveling fire hydrants.

Storm Drain Blockage

After a large snow accumulation, please clear snow and ice from storm drains in front of your house, business or places you have noticed that may have drained poorly in past storms. Be sure to place what you clear away cleared in a location that will not allow it to wash back to the catch basin during the storm. If you are unable to clear the snow and ice yourself, please call 311 (or 617-715-8660) or report the issue online with the 311 Service Center. Please make sure you provide the address where the storm drain is located.

Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding Contractors

The City of Watertown is seeking contractors interested in Snow Plowing, Salting and Sanding. Contractors may request application packages from the Procurement office via email at or by calling 617-972-6414.

Additional Storm Information

  • For the latest on power outages, visit Eversource Electric or call 800-592-2000
  • To report downed power lines: call 911 or Eversource Electric at 800-592-2000
  • To report a hazardous tree emergency, contact the Department of Public Works (DPW) at 617-972-6420
  • In an emergency, please call 911. Do not post emergency situations on social media